Even though they are durable, you still need to give them special care. Below are some tips that can help you clean your carpet tiles properly so you can get more years from them.
Regular vacuuming.
You should vacuum your them regularly so you can reduce any dirt like soils which might lead to the flattening of the tiles.
Wipe away any spills as soon as possible.
You should wipe any spills as soon as they occur. You can wipe away spills by blotting the spill area with a clean cloth. For semi-solid spills, you should first scrape them up before you blot them.
Remove spots as soon as you notice them.
Spots should be removed immediately as soon as you notice them. You can make use of spotting products for cleaning conventional carpets for your carpet tiles. As always, you need to do a hot-water extraction so you can clean your them thoroughly.
When it comes to cleaning a carpet tile, you need to take some precautionary measures to prevent too much moisture. They are really not good when it comes to too much exposure to moisture. You should also be careful in using cleaning solvents for your carpet tiles. Last, but not the least, if you are using a rotary extraction tool, you have to lubricate your carpet tiles first with a cleaning solution before you use the tool.
As simple as they may be, these tips will really help you prolong the life service of your carpet tiles. Be sure to follow the instructions above for the proper cleaning of a carpet tile. You may be able to maintain them for a lot longer but once they become worn out, it’s time for you to replace them with a new one.